Obituary for Lonnie Baldwin | Doby Funeral Home Music by the O'Neill Brothers Share a memory Coping with Grief We would like to offer our sincere support to anyone coping with grief. Aquellos que amamos nunca pueden estar ms lejos que a un pensamiento de distancia. I'm only a message away. Los abrazo a la distancia. Se feliz. I'm inLondon Ontario Canada and we hear and see Draykes name and face.. Drayke is know a teacher an angel and the ether. You can see what a great kid his is by look at his beautiful eyes. Featured Obituary. You had a beatiful sweet boy, those blue ayes iluminates your soul. He has more love than he could have ever received here. Les envo muchas bendiciones y energa para que continen con ese legado, a pesar del momento terrible por el que estn pasando no desfallescan, mi corazn y el de mi familia estn con ustedes. His story has reached so many people. Just found out about this sad news. Dios te bendiga. I hope that one day we will all be aware enough of being able to love our neighbor and respect him as such. My deepest condolences on the death of your beautiful boy. just know that you + your family are in everyone's thoughts and prayers. An early arrival in Heaven that day, met by angels in all the way. I am absolutely heartbroken for you all, but know that your dear, sweet boy Drayke will continue to love and support you from above, giving you all the much needed strength to raise awareness locally and for all of us that have been touched by Drayke's so terribly sad story do the same. It was not your fault. Que descanses y encuentres la paz ngel maravilloso! It has to. Espero que tue alma sea recibida y acogida por Dios y desde all protejas a tu familia, a tus padres a los que les enseaste a amarte profundamente. LO SIENTO TANTO POR SU PERDIDA, LES MANDO TANTO CONSUELO PARA QUE PUEDAN LLEVAR ESTE DURO Y TRISTE DUELO. Upcoming services provided by Doby Funeral Home. Sending my love to you and your family. Sending heartfelt condolences and much love from Malta. I know that pain, I've been there and I still deal with it everyday, 10 years later. Bullying is hate, it's painful and it needs to come to an end! I was bullied as a child and now as an adult. I never met Drayke but I have been sobbing reading his obituary and your Facebook post. I hope that the bullies learned their lesson and pay for what they have done.. God bless his soul and his family.. RIL Drayke Xxxx. Little boy, I send you all the peace in the world, and I hope justice is done and bullying doesnt exist anymore. I'm sorry. Al cielo llega ese angelito que aqu en la tierra dej su huella muy bien marcada. A lot of strength right now!! Rest in peace Drayke. My heart breaks for each of you x. For the past couple days I keep going back and reading what happened to you little angle and my heart continues to break every time. Doby Funeral Home Raeford, North Carolina (NC) | Who Passed On May The Lord surround each of you with His Loving Presence and give you strength in these coming days. Know that caring souls, across the world, are carrying you in our hearts as we mourn this precious gift, this miraculous boy who remains yours forever. More information is included under the topic Early Doby Notables in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible. Internment will be held at Rockfish Grove Freewill Baptist Church Cemetery. Mis condolencias a esas hermosas hermanas y a tus papis, respeto absoluto. Praying for you and your family from Indiana. A light that will forever be missed. . Que descanse en paz y ustedes llenen su corazn de paz. Tu luz en el cielo brillar por siemprelos angeles te esperan con los brazos abiertos Todo el amor para ustedes! My heart breaks for you and your family, drayke is always watching over you all. Siempre sers una luz de.bondad y una gua en el. Nothing can turn back time and no words can comfort, but know how many people have been touched by the life and story of your sweet sweet baby. Mucho animo familia, mucha fuerza,no s como se puede volver a vivir despus de una tragedia as, pero los veo que son una familia fuerte y muy unida. Sending all of you love, thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. I have never heard of someone so kind in checking on anyone (even strangers) if they are okay. Since I've heard about what had happened I haven't stopped thinking of his family or him. , Mis mayores condolencias para la familia. My sincere condolences to you and your family and I hope that you can find the peace and tranquility that you so desperately need. If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever. At this moment I can only imagine the pain you may be feeling, I want to give you a big hug and express my pain for the situation you are going through. I hope he can find peace wherever he is now and always know we will remember him, all over the world. Su cara solo refleja amor y bondad, un nio que tena mucho. Lo siento mucho No puedo creer que haya tanta maldad capaz de empujar a esa decisin a un pequeo. I don't know you all, but your story and heartache has touched me deep in my soul. No parent should ever have to bury their child. It's so upsetting that people can want to make someone do this to themselves. May God wrap his arms around your family and give them peace and comfort. But never forget to cry at the thought of him no longer being here. Un nio tan hermoso!! He will be here and there until you see him again. So so so sorry, just know that your son's story is wide and far. My heart aches for you and I am so very sorry for your loss. He came to be loved by his family, friends and acquaintances, but he also came to teach a lesson, RESPECT, respect others and be respected, that people, whether children or adults, be good and respect others!!!! I have cried for you and I have cried for your parents. From Argentina. Drayke espero que estes un lugar mucho mejor donde haya mucha paz, eres un angelito ms en el cielo que siempre cuidara a su familia. Unfortunately, the boys and girls of this world pay the consequences of adultcentrism and we do not lose focus of them and forget that they are the future of this world. Words hurt. Mi hijo fue victima de acoso en la escuela y esto me ha afectado y dolido en mi alma . No tengo palabras para esta terrible y absurda partida de Drayke, espero que no sea en vano y aprendamos en el mundo a ensearles a nuestros hijo que hay que aceptar a la gente tal cual es. God be with you in this difficult time. May God bring you comfort during this difficult time. My heart aches for your family at this time. My heart goes out to your family. Que en paz descances Angelitoduele el corazn a todas las mams del mundo. El resto de sus das. Sintete feliz all arriba viendo como toda una nacin est apoyando a tu familia, esperando que esto ayude a mitigar su dolor. This world needs more people like him and you! Descansa en paz pequeo angel. I hug you from Buenos Aires, Argentina and it is my wish that this little angel gives you strength from heaven and that justice takes care of those who have done so much damage. My deepest and sincerest condolences. You unfortunately ran into some cruel evil people who didn't know what love is! We keep failing you and other children to such a extent that, it seems, you angels choose to sacrife by living a much shorter liefe in order to remind others of a huge elefant still to be addressed. No hay palabras para expresar la perdida de un hijo.y no hay cura ninguna para tanto dolor. Que sea la estrella que gue su camino , His soul now rests in peace, I send my condolences and offer my words of relief that he is now calm, happy to be in heaven, now to continue and dedicate it to him. SIN LUGAR A DUDAS QUE ESTE HERMOSO NIO ES UNO DE ESTOS ANGELES, QUE VINO A ENTREGARNOS AMOR Y LUZ, QUE A TRAVES DE SUS HERMOSOS OJOS CELESTES NOS ILUMINA. Te amamos pequeo Drayke hasta el infinito y mas alla Descansa en paz beb, ojal algn da el mundo este libre de maldad, mis condolencias a su familia. I'm really sorry. Querida familia. Please also know that my thoughts and prayers are with you both and with your other children during these times of sorrow. DESCANSA EN PAZ HERMOSO NGEL . Keep fighting as a family. Te sostengo cada vez que quieres caer. No puedo creer la maldad de algunas personas. I am the mom of a 12 year old now, but when I was 12 myself I was in the position that Drayke was in. I'm sorry your beautiful soul was weakened by these awful people. Your mission in the world was fulfilled, now you can fly little angel. Veo las fotos de Drayke y es un nio hermoso y adorable, y pienso porque tienen que pasar estas cosas. Thank you for using your platforms to spread suicide awareness and to highlight the damage bullying has on us all. We too have run into him being bullied at school and ensuring that we still support him with standing up for himself and keeping the communication open with school and with my husband and I - Hearing this story has torn my heart that someone so young could not take the pain anymore and take his life. Espero que todo lo que aprendieron de su hijo les de el valor para seguir adelante. Las condolencias desde esta parte del mundo para su familia. I have already written below but the days go by and I keep thinking about this story. Doby Funeral Home will continue to provide professional, dignified and compassionate service throughout this pandemic. I have no words that could help ease the pain. I keep you in my prayers. Drayke had so many talents and Andy was always bragging about his kids, as he should! All the love from Sweden <3. Thank you for reminding that kindness does not cost a thing. DRAYKE, tocaste las fibras ms profundas de cada uno de mis hijos y de m familia. Pobre angelito!! My heart is with y'all and know that he has made a ripple that has sent waves around the world. I hope you can find peace. El tiempo va a calmar ese dolor El pequeo ngel siempre va a estar con uds. Solo pido que sigan amndose. Permanezcan unidos, fuertes, como familia unida. You are incredibly brave people but you are not alone. Children are the true reflection of their parents. My hearth is broken, I hope that all the family find peace, And I commit my self to teach every single day of my whole life my daugther be a good and cain person, this beggins with us teaching love to them, MIS CONDOLENCIAS PARA LA FAMILIA DEL PEQUEO DE OJOS INCREIBLESMUCHO DOLOR SIENTO POR LA PRDIDA DE VUESTRO HIJO.UN ABRAZO DESDE EL CORAZON. DESDE VILLA GESELL ARGENTINA, Out prayers and love all sending to you in this moment in such pain, I ccried still because Im mom and I couldn't imagine living something like this. Que en paz descanses pequeito. Un abrazo fraterno de este rinconcito del mundo que el Sr les de la fortaleza y esperamos que nunca ms vuelva a pasar a un nio inocente como su amado hijo. Sending love and support to your family in this time of need. She leaves to cherish her memories: Her father G.B. Your light will forever shine bright rest easy little man , Our condolences to your family , reading this breaks my heart stay strong. Les envo mucha fuerza para intentar superar tanto dolor. I pray you are at peace and I pray for your family. May God bless you all. Rest in peace beautiful boy, may you only know peace and happiness xxxxxxx, Mi sentido pesame, espero que puedan seguir siendo fuertes y firmes por la memoria de su hijo. Much love to you and your family. My heart absolutely breaks for you all. Para los padres: no me queda ms que enviarles un abrazo a la distancia. Dios con l siempre. Our family will keep your family in our thoughts and prayers! No services have been planned at this time. Now he is in heave watching and taking care of all you. How this was your only way out. Lamento que esos papas no hayan educado a ese agresor. Although the devil took him down, an angel flew him to heaven to watch over you. I am close to your pain and I send you a big hug. I hope eyes are opened and kindness prevails. You're in my thoughts and I send to you all my support and good vibes in this difficult moment. Enter I'm very sorry for your loss and I pray for you to get peace in your hearts. Con muchas tristeza leo esta noticia y envo mis ms sinceras condolencias y que dios les de pronta resignacin. My sincere condolences to all the family. He has touched many hearts here in TN. My condolences to his family and God will make justice. Rezamos para que Dios le de consuelo a tu pobre familia! QUE BRILLE ESA LUZ QUE NO TIENE FIN. Drayke,There are men who live 100 years that do not accomplish as much as you did in 12. I know he is pain free and celebrating with those who met him on the other side of the veil. He clearly was a character and very loved. Mucha paz y alma a toda su familia por esta prdida tan gigante. Fly high angel , beautiful boy what happened to you has shocked me, I hope you can enjoy paradise, with our eternal father God and that he hugs you and helps you with everything you couldn't here on earth, I hope to see you when our father descends from heaven, rest in peace beautiful baby!, I'm so sorry baby, so sorry you felt that way i would've done anything to take away your sadness. I pray for strength for you all. Your courageousness and energy will live on forever, #DoItForDrayke ! I am so deeply, deeply impacted by this situation and want to assure you of my sincere condolences for your family. Antes mi miedo era que se sufriera una mala cada jugando o que se abriera la cabeza o se rompiera un brazo treapndo un rbol. Con amor desde Chile! Sin conocerlos, su situacion me ha afectado mucho emocionalmente, tambien tengo hijos y la verdad no se como podroa sobrellevar una situacion asi, es muy triste que un nio con Drake ya no este en este mundo porque nios asi como l son los que necesitamos para cambiar este mundo lleno de tanto egoismo, maldad entre muchisimas cosas mas. I have so much anger as to why people can be so mean to others. Take care Buddy! Mucho nimo desde Espaa, ojal este caso valga para que este mundo de mierda abra los ojos y que no sea en vano, que hay mucha maldad, pero almas inocentes como la de tu hijo, y otros muchos, no tendran porqu pagarlo. Se que esto que te paso, nos recordara a todos, que el principio que debe guiarnos por siempre es el de "amarnos y respectarnos los unos a los otros por sobre todas las diferencias que nos hacen unicos, especiales e irrepetibles". Fly high my angel #doitfordrayke, To the family, I am so sorry that this world is so evil. Muchos abrazos desde el otro lado del Atlntico. .. my email is zaewilliams32 at gmail. The only words I can give the family is, DO NOT LOSE HOPE, God is with you and this will bring hope to millions (Romans 8:28), Drayke (Angel face with blue eyes) is now in a much better place, May the family and loved ones recieve all the strength and peace that they need, Send you hugs and prayers from the distance, Abrazo fuerte a la familia, a sus padres, hermanas, tos, abuelos y amigos. Lots of love, Ashley. I send a hug and love to the family. My heart aches for what you and your family are going through. No es justo no lo es y no lo ser nunca ni para el ni para su familia y sus hermanas. I'm so so sorry for your loss Love & prayers all the way from Kentucky. Rest in peace little angle and little fighter. Little prince, I send you my deeper thoughts and tons of love. Dios lo recoja en su divino manto y reciba con mucho amor PAZ EN SU TUMBA. #doitfordrayke, se me arrug el corazn al ver esta notica, soy madre y da miedo pensar q nuestros hijos estn a salvo en la escuela, que aveces la crueldad de un nio llega al punto de daar la vida de otro, que Dios les d La Paz para este duro momento. W. F. Doby, aged 29, who immigrated to the United States, in 1909; Frances B. Doby, aged 68, who immigrated to the United States, in 1911 Know my heartfelt condolences are with you. The people that bullied him deserve hell. The world lost a precious boy. Effie Dockery departed this life on Monday, December 5, 2022. Lamento mucho y me indigna tu muerte. My condolences to your family . Shirley was a member of Forrest Hill Church of God. La verdad que no existen palabras de consuelo, no existen palabras que puedan explicar porqu suceden estas cosas tengo un hijo de la misma edad que Drayke y no puedo imaginar tener que pasar por esta situacin tan trgica. Greetings and Blessings from Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Mexico. We use cookies to enhance your personalized experience for ads, analytics, and more. QEPD el cielo tiene un angelito nuevo. please accept my sincere condolences! Drayke eyes of heaven, fly very high, there is no more evil, there is no more pain! We all mourn the loss so great that the world has just had. Graveside service will be held on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at 1:00 PM at Freedom Chapel Church Cemetery. End the hate and spread love and positivity kindness. A boy so sweet with a precious smile, the time we had with him was so worthwhile. Visitation will be held on Read Vernon Mcdougald's complete obituary here: Oh, my heart shattered right in that moment. Descanse en paz Drayke, Hi. I feel bad because I have two little boys. My God send the peace and help the healing processes, prayers to all this family and sending hug, light and love . Mucho nimo y fortaleza! Que su alma descanse y os gue para siempre. May he Rest In Peace. Big hug and kiss to you Rest In Peace. I just read the news, my heart is broken, I dont even have the words to give you comfort or relief your heart in any way. Up there where everything is quiet, I guess. Padre, madre acompao en su dolor y dolorosa prdida de un ngel. Mi ms sentidas condolencias a toda la familia Hardman y amigos de Drayke Que triste noticia, como un nio tan pequeo tiene que sufrir en silencio por el hecho de que otra persona no supo entender que cada uno de nosotros venimos al mundo a ser y fluir como, , a ser libres con nuestras emociones , pensamientos y sentimientos. Todas mis fuerzas para ustedes, no logro comprender como existe gente tan mala, y gente tan buena que se les es arretabado su vida que es tan valiosa . I came upon Drayke's story about an hour ago and I can't start to imagine the pain you guys are going through. Siento tanto que la maldad de este mundo te halla hecho tanto dao al punto de haberte suicidado. There is no amount of words that can take away your pain. Words can't express how sorry I am for your loss. Arika. May you feel free. truly didn't deserve what he went through. Se que nada de lo que diga puede devolverte a un ser querido, ni darte consuelo. No words will ease your grief, but please know you will be in my thoughts & prayers. Lamento mucho que sucediera eso, estaba muy pequeo para lo que le toc vivir, en ocasiones los otros nios son muy crueles y "no se dan cuenta" y los padres no prestan atencin, es dufucil ver qu tan pequeo tomo esa decisin. He was a native and resident of New Orleans, LA. Fly easy little Drayke and get your wings out again and from above take care of yours and continue your mission, here we will help you from anywhere in the world. RIP. Our hearts are broken for your family. STOP BULLYING!!! So sorry for your loss. Prayers for you all. Ah van a decir lo contrario. Doby Name Meaning & Doby Family History at ustedes no tuvieron que pasar por esto los bendigo y los abrazo solo Dios podr acompaar este dolor que desgarra el alma y la vida! You guys are loved and thank you for being so open and sharing your story. Sin embargo esa luz que irradiaba su mirada se apag porque quiso guardar silencio y sufrir solo conteniendo el dolor y sacrificndose para una vez ms mostrar su bondad y as evitar el sufrimiento de los suyos, porque lamentablemente seguimos viviendo en una sociedad que es indiferente y no soluciona muchos problemas as como el bullying que lastima a los seres ms nobles de la tierra as como el pequeo Drayke Como madre he quedado conmovida y deseo que podamos construir una sociedad mejor para que una historia con este triste final no se repita nunca ms y deseo que la familia obtenga consuelo y que esta historia deje una leccin a todo el mundo para prestarle mayor atencin a nuestros pequeos a quienes debemos criar con amor y bondad, para evitar que la crueldad del mundo los invada y lastimen a los seres de luz como este pequeo ngel Vuela alto Drayke y que tu mirada se funda con el cielo azul para que pueda iluminar el camino de quienes seguimos caminando en este mundo terrenal.

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