apply prescribed number of inches over paper measuring guide A registered nurse reaches to answer the telephone on a busy pediatric unit, momentarily turning away from a 3 month-old infant she has been weighing. Right to refuse (try to educate patient, document and notify provider) Accompanying him will offer moral support, enabling him to face the rest of the world. - 2 t to milliliters Absence of the apical, radial, or femoral pulse is abnormal and should be investigated. Choose the letter of the correct answer. The other nursing actions may be necessary but are not a major priority. 5. read & record results B. - Exposure to second hand smoke Which of the following nursing interventions promotes patient safety? Please wait while the activity loads. Which of the following patients is at greatest risk for developing pressure ulcers? Question 19To assess the kidney function of a patient with an indwelling urinary (Foley) catheter, the nurse measures his hourly urine output. Setting priorities Seizures, Procedure Related Risks in the Health Care Agency, Equipment Related Risks in the Health Care Agency, The nursing process in regards to Safety Awareness, Assessment Risk for impaired skin integrity, Nursing process: Planning for a patient that is immobile, Goals and outcomes What are the most frequent route of exposure to blood-borne disease? A male patient who had surgery 2 days ago for head and neck cancer is about to make his first attempt to ambulate outside his room. Patients feel less anxious and isolated and more secure because they are allowed to participate in planning their own care. Place a humidifier in the patients room. Pain related to immobilization of affected leg would be an appropriate nursing diagnosis for a patient with a leg fracture. The most common injury among elderly persons is: 45. Range of motion If this activity does not load, try refreshing your browser. Total Questions on Quiz Consequently, the nurse must observe for objective signs. Screw on needle Thus, the 88-year old incontinent patient who has impaired nutrition (from gastric cancer) and is confined to bed is at greater risk. full tissue destruction Good luck! sustained release. O transport Standing Elixirs Orotracheal and nasotracheal hold dropper 1/2 inch above nares 11. Ineffective airway clearance related to dry, hacking cough is incorrect because the cough is not the reason for the ineffective airway clearance. Administering an incorrect medication is a nursing error; however, if such action resulted in a serious illness or chronic problem, the nurse could be sued for malpractice. Which of the following statement is incorrect about a patient with dysphagia? 1. These changes, in turn, increase the work load of the left ventricle. Use the formation of water from hydrogen and oxygen to explain the following terms: chemical reaction, reactant, product. What factors affect ventilation and O transport? A normal adult body temperature, as measured on an oral thermometer, ranges between 97 and 100F (36.1 and 37.8C); an axillary temperature is approximately one degree lower and a rectal temperature, one degree higher. The infant falls off the scale, suffering a skull fracture. She elevates the head of the bed to the high Fowler position, which decreases his respiratory distress. taken into the body or administered in a manner other than through the digestive tract- intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous. Your score is do not rub or massage into skin Patients should begin ambulation as soon as possible after surgery to decrease complications and to regain strength and confidence. Arthritis - can patient get lid off container? Fundamentals of Nursing Exam 2 Term 1 / 79 What are the 4 purposes of a physical exam? The best response would be: Why are you crying? Orthopnea Effects of medications Ineffective airway clearance related to thick, tenacious secretions. - Postural drainage B. 90 degree angle Caffeine-containing drinks, such as coffee and cola. questions You scored %%SCORE%% out of %%TOTAL%%. Congratulations - you have completed Fundamentals of Nursing Practice Exam 2 (PM). - Smoking Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a disease marked by progressive degeneration of the neurons, eventually results in atrophy of all the muscles; including those necessary for respiration. Thiamine abuse of alcohol, nicotine, or street durgs All of the above If you prepare the med, who should administer it? The four main concepts common to nursing that appear in each of the current conceptual models are: The focus concepts that have been accepted by all theorists as the focus of nursing practice from the time of Florence Nightingale include the person receiving nursing care, his environment, his health on the health illness continuum, and the nursing actions necessary to meet his needs. intravenous (IV), first time administration Can position patient in order to encourage drainage. use one pharmacy to coordinate all medications. Question 32Which of the following is an example of nursing malpractice?AThe nurse administers penicillin to a patient with a documented history of allergy to the drug. Quad Has a reservoir that is filled with insulin and a microcomputer that allows you to adjust how much insulin is to be delivered. The nurse is responsible for giving the patient breakfast at the scheduled time. - slow reaction time & dull the senses In Sims position, the patient lies on his left side with the left arm behind the body and his right leg flexed. An apathetic 63-year old COPD patient receiving nasal oxygen via cannula Pain related to immobilization of affected leg. Organize. Are drugs interacting, does patient know why taking the drug? Minimize patient discomfort, shortest length - Patient and family education, 1. A sign of decreased bowel motility Risk for aspiration, Prepare medications Have client close eye gently A male patient who had surgery 2 days ago for head and neck cancer is about to make his first attempt to ambulate outside his room. -Must be allowed to toilet, eat. Encourage the patient to increase her fluid intake to 200 ml every 2 hours Provide suction as necessary Its only temporaryDYour hair is really prettyQuestion 2 Explanation: I know this will be difficult acknowledges the problem and suggests a resolution to it. The nurse observes that Mr. Adams begins to have increased difficulty breathing. Pain related to immobilization of affected leg would be an appropriate nursing diagnosis for a patient with a leg fracture.Question 38Which of the following is the most common cause of dementia among elderly persons?AMultiple sclerosisBAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gerhigs disease)CParkinsons diseaseDAlzheimers disease Question 38 Explanation: Alzheimer;s disease, sometimes known as senile dementia of the Alzheimers type or primary degenerative dementia, is an insidious; progressive, irreversible, and degenerative disease of the brain whose etiology is still unknown. desiccated tissue Inability to maintain oxygenation/ ventilation Please visit using a browser with javascript enabled. These include: A ham and Swiss cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread, A tossed salad with oil and vinegar and olives. - anxiety attacks/pain/fear right drug Checking the patients identification band verifies the patients identity and prevents identification mistakes in drug administration. Side Effects The nurse could be charged with: Malpractice is defined as injurious or unprofessional actions that harm another. Less than 30 ml/hour The nurse notes that he is steady on his feet and that his vision was unaffected by the surgery. In the genupectoral (knee-chest) position, the patient kneels and rests his chest on the table, forming a 90 degree angle between the torso and upper legs. 19. Environmental factors - Pollutants (ask where person lives, know your region an it's risk factors), Nursing history: Signs that may indicate poor oxygenation troche Document in a timely fashion, Person on the blunt end of the needle is responsible for the sharp end of the needle Questions Not Attempted Autonomy and authority for planning are best delegated to a nurse who knows the patient well It involves professional misconduct, such as omission or commission of an act that a reasonable and prudent nurse would or would not do. Base line vital signs include pulse rate, temperature, respiratory rate, and blood pressure. Chicken bouillon Question 37A patient has exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) manifested by shortness of breath; orthopnea: thick, tenacious secretions; and a dry hacking cough. A normal adult body temperature, as measured on an oral thermometer, ranges between 97 and 100F (36.1 and 37.8C); an axillary temperature is approximately one degree lower and a rectal temperature, one degree higher. Soft foods, Fowlers or semi-Fowlers position, and oral hygiene before eating should be part of the feeding regimen. Which findings should be reported? Choose the letter of the correct answer. The infant falls off the scale, suffering a skull fracture. Reporting any changes in patient's status after medication administration, Which task would be most appropriate for the nurse to delegate to the nursing assistive personnel (NAP)? -Assess and examine the patient. Once you are finished, click the button below. right patient Waiting to consult a physical therapist is unnecessary. All of the following can cause tachycardia except: 27. Depression typically begins before the onset of old age and usually is caused by psychosocial, genetic, or biochemical factors. 5. Explain in detailed medical terms Lipid solubility of the medication (fat-soluble/water-soluble), (1) Enteric Coated - won't dissolve right away. patient education, Locked cabinet Changes in vital signs may be cause by factors other than blood loss. - Teach kids and parents how to manage situations - Protein binding - Antipyretic (fever) C. Because the pedal pulse cannot be detected in 10% to 20% of the population, its absence is not necessarily a significant finding. A patient demonstrating symptoms of drugs or alcohol withdrawal D. Assisting a patient with ambulation and transfer from a bed to a chair allows the nurse to evaluate the patients ability to carry out these functions safely. 28. Question 49A patient is admitted to the hospital with complaints of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and severe abdominal pain. After 1 week of hospitalization, Mr. Gray develops hypokalemia. CH 02 HW - Chapter 2 physics homework for Mastering Auditing Overview Newest Theology - yea Leadership class , week 3 executive summary Which of the following patients is at greatest risk for developing pressure ulcers? Skip to document. The nurse is responsible for giving the patient breakfast at the scheduled time. Because transplants are done within hours of death, decisions about organ donation must be made as soon as possible. Base line vital signs include pulse rate, temperature, respiratory rate, and blood pressure. Reporting an APTT above 45 seconds to the physician She may be involved in obtaining consent for an autopsy or notifying the coroner or medical examiner of a patients death; however, she is not legally responsible for performing these functions. Calibrated in units not mL The patient experiences an allergic reaction and has cerebral damage resulting from anoxia.Question 18 Explanation: The three elements necessary to establish a nursing malpractice are nursing error (administering penicillin to a patient with a documented allergy to the drug), injury (cerebral damage), and proximal cause (administering the penicillin caused the cerebral damage). Hint Question 13The family of an accident victim who has been declared brain-dead seems amenable to organ donation. Fundamentals of Nursing Practice Exam 2 Practice Mode Exam Mode Text Mode Practice Mode - Questions and choices are randomly arranged, the answer is revealed instantly after each question, and there is no time limit for the exam. - Inflammatory & noniflamm joint disease 26. Accompanying him will offer moral support, enabling him to face the rest of the world. Waiting to consult a physical therapist is unnecessary. -To increase the number of medication orders 1) Completeness (Disclosure) - tell patient everything regarding a treatment decision. Look at when next due dose is? Pharmacist's Role, Interaction with other drugs 10. Good luck! to have policies on safe drug administration Your hair is really pretty offers no consolation or alternatives to the patient. Thus, any act that a nurse performs on the patient against his will is considered assault and battery. Exam Mode Questions and choices are randomly arranged, time limit of 1min per question, answers and grade will be revealed after finishing the exam. - Pain Question 34For a rectal examination, the patient can be directed to assume which of the following positions?AHorizontal recumbentBAll of the above CSimsDGenupecterolQuestion 34 Explanation: All of these positions are appropriate for a rectal examination. -Change the feeding pump bag and tubing every 24 hours. - Pneumothorax Battery is the unlawful touching of another person or the carrying out of threatened physical harm. - This is sterile These changes, in turn, increase the work load of the left ventricle. The nurse is responsible for: Instructing the patient about this diagnostic test. D. Under normal conditions, a healthy adult breathes in a smooth uninterrupted pattern 12 to 20 times a minute. Know interactions/ compatibilities 12. Record administration of medication on the MAR before leaving the client room, Expected outcomes Question 36A patient about to undergo abdominal inspection is best placed in which of the following positions?AProneBTrendelenburgCSide-lying DSupineQuestion 36 Explanation: The supine position (also called the dorsal position), in which the patient lies on his back with his face upward, allows for easy access to the abdomen. Hypothermia is an abnormally low body temperature. All four side rails up is considered a restraint Anna Curran. abdomen from costal margins to the iliac crests The nurse administers penicillin to a patient with a documented history of allergy to the drug. The patient experiences an allergic reaction and has cerebral damage resulting from anoxia. CPAP & BiPAP, Invasive Maintenance and Promotion of Lung Expansion, Chest tubes Attempted Questions Correct intact or open serum filled blister 43. The physician is responsible for instructing the patient about the test and for writing the order for the test.Question 43After 1 week of hospitalization, Mr. Gray develops hypokalemia. Ensuring that the attending physician issues the death certification CNS Damage 48. Infection The resting pulse rate in an adult ranges from 60 to 100 beats/minute, so a rate of 88 is normal. The best response would be: 38. prevent needle contamination Which of the following would immediately alert the nurse that the patient has bleeding from the GI tract? Chemical Thus, the 88-year old incontinent patient who has impaired nutrition (from gastric cancer) and is confined to bed is at greater risk. Thus, any act that a nurse performs on the patient against his will is considered assault and battery. Sitting - Rates if 8-15 liters These changes, in turn, increase the work load of the left ventricle. - Face down 4. Polypharmacy - patient on many drugs. A patient is kept off food and fluids for 10 hours before surgery. - don't twist Preoxygenate the patient During a Romberg test, the nurse asks the patient to assume which position? The three elements necessary to establish a nursing malpractice are nursing error (administering penicillin to a patient with a documented allergy to the drug), injury (cerebral damage), and proximal cause (administering the penicillin caused the cerebral damage). B. Transdermal patches - Make sure outcomes are measurable The nurse should perform oral hygiene before assisting with feeding. In Sims position, the patient lies on his left side with the left arm behind the body and his right leg flexed. Nursing responsibilities for Mrs. Mitchell now include: Reporting an APTT above 45 seconds to the physician, Assessing the patient for signs and symptoms of frank and occult bleeding. Question 15A patient is admitted to the hospital with complaints of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and severe abdominal pain. Tympanic percussion, measurement of abdominal girth, and inspection are methods of assessing the abdomen. What are the factors that influence absorption? Question 24Which of the following vascular system changes results from aging?AIncreased peripheral resistance of the blood vesselsBAll of the above CDecreased blood flowDIncreased work load of the left ventricleQuestion 24 Explanation: Aging decreases elasticity of the blood vessels, which leads to increased peripheral resistance and decreased blood flow. Which of the following signs and symptoms would the nurse expect to find when assessing an Asian patient for postoperative pain following abdominal surgery? Expectations, Nursing Process in Med Admin: Anxiety will not cause an elevated temperature. Patients feel less anxious and isolated and more secure because they are allowed to participate in planning their own care. All of the above Question 44The four main concepts common to nursing that appear in each of the current conceptual models are: Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 79 1. Time allowed Notifying the coroner or medical examiner . What is the name of the compound with the formula BaCl2_22? Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gerhigs disease) 21. Thus, any act that a nurse performs on the patient against his will is considered assault and battery. 40. The nurse is responsible for: 4. Which of the following is an example of nursing malpractice? STAT - give immediately Respiratory rate only Question 39The physician orders the administration of high-humidity oxygen by face mask and placement of the patient in a high Fowlers position. She elevates the head of the bed to the high Fowler position, which decreases his respiratory distress. use meticulous hand hygiene and clean gloves * Try to strategically plan how far walking by having a chair available nearby. - interferes with blood supply to lower extremities due to intermittent claudication Supine behavioral- anxiety, agitation, consiousness Ineffective airway clearance related to dry, hacking cough is incorrect because the cough is not the reason for the ineffective airway clearance. ..I didnt get to the bad news yet would be inappropriate at any time. household system, When administering medications to older adults do what? However, the presence or absence of the pedal pulse should be documented upon admission so that changes can be identified during the hospital stay. Genupecterol The other answers are incorrect interpretations of the statistical data. The patient experiences an allergic reaction and has cerebral damage resulting from anoxia.BThe nurse assists a patient out of bed with the bed locked in position; the patient slips and fractures his right humerus.CThe nurse applies a hot water bottle or a heating pad to the abdomen of a patient with abdominal cramping.DThe nurse administers the wrong medication to a patient and the patient vomits. The best response would be:AWhy are you crying? Question Text Some of the pumps monitors your blood glucose level. A registered nurse reaches to answer the telephone on a busy pediatric unit, momentarily turning away from a 3 month-old infant she has been weighing. Incentive spirometry (IS) -"It will take only a minute to swallow the medication before you go to the bathroom." Right medication Horizontal recumbent Kaopectate is an anti diarrheal medication. sharpest Multiple sclerosis Location of ET tube in airway (nose or mouth) Thus, an axillary temperature of 99.6F (37.6C) would be considered abnormal. Accurate dosage calculation and measurement Chest x-ray a. Fluid status b. Potassium c. Lipids d. Nitrogen balance Click the card to flip Nitrogen Balance Nitrogen balance is important to determining serum protein status. A. wash hands, Daily record taken to provider -Contact the manager or supervisor of the area where the error occurred. -Have the prescriber call in all prescriptions to the patient's preferred pharmacy instead of providing written prescriptions to the patient. The holistic approach provides for a therapeutic relationship, continuity, and efficient nursing care. After assessing Mrs. Paul, the nurse writes the following nursing diagnosis: Impaired gas exchange related to increased secretions. death of subcutaneous fat tissue and muscle degeneration This information is documented and reported to the physician and the nursing supervisor. - Move from side to side allows for secretions and expansion Cuts Nursing responsibilities for Mrs. Mitchell now include:AReporting an APTT above 45 seconds to the physicianBAssessing the patient for signs and symptoms of frank and occult bleedingCAll of the above DReviewing daily activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and prothrombin time.Question 3 Explanation: All of the identified nursing responsibilities are pertinent when a patient is receiving heparin. Continue administering oxygen by high humidity face mask, Perform chest physiotheraphy on a regular schedule, Encourage the patient to increase her fluid intake to 200 ml every 2 hours. -Wait 30 to 60 minutes after feeding to reconnect to suctioning. Childhood Which of the following would immediately alert the nurse that the patient has bleeding from the GI tract? C. An Asian patient is likely to hide his pain. 3. Anaphalaxsis Question 47Studies have shown that about 40% of patients fall out of bed despite the use of side rails; this has led to which of the following conclusions?ASide rails are a reminder to a patient not to get out of bed BSide rails are a deterrent that prevent a patient from falling out of bed.CSide rails should not be usedDSide rails are ineffectiveQuestion 47 Explanation: Since about 40% of patients fall out of bed despite the use of side rails, side rails cannot be said to prevent falls; however, they do serve as a reminder that the patient should not get out of bed. eros conjunct south node synastry,

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