Rather, period flu is what happens when prostaglandins aka, the fatty acid compound that's responsible for dislodging your uterine lining and kick starting your period get into your blood. . Because it's not well studied, it's hard to say how, if at all, period flu differs from PMS or even other period-related conditions such as premenstrual dysmorphic disorder (PMDD), says Dr. Greves. They also use medications to block the effects of prostaglandins. Ever feel like youre coming down with the flu, only to find out that its actually your period? Period flu is not a legit medical term but it refers to the sick feeling most females get at the time of arrival of periods. Exercise is another powerful home remedy for relieving period-related symptoms. Hormonal birth control can also help ease pain and thin your uterine lining to lower prostaglandin production. Your body also produces prostaglandin in the lining of your uterus when you start your period. Bipolar Disord. Primary dysmenorrhea is the cramping pain that comes before or during a period. Is Your Heavy Period a Sign of Something Serious? PMS is pretty common, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. If you dont use a hormonal method, starting one could help to tame some of your symptoms. Even though chills are not listed as a common symptom of PMS, there are still many reports online of individuals who experience chills before their period. For more information, see our. But after a few days of your period, prostaglandin levels decrease so your period flu pain (should) subside. How can your period affect bowel movements? - Medical News Today Estrogen levels also dip or change rapidly around this time. Try applying scented oils and gently massaging above the pelvic region, around the navel, in a clockwise motion. You should also speak with your doctor immediately if you are struggling with mood-related symptoms around the time of your period, such as extreme mood swings, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, or thoughts of suicide. Period flu symptoms usually last between ovulation and the start . Ginger can also help with pain, nausea, and other symptoms of PMS, as noted in several studies. Should You Eat Based On Your Menstrual Cycle? Dysmenorrhea, or painful periods, is one of the most common prostaglandin-related disorders that may cause you to see a doctor. Thankfully, there are options to help. Weakness. Zinat G,Fedieh H,Mamak S,Abbas RF,Maryam A. But for some menstruators, an impending visit from Aunt Flo can make them feel like they're coming down with something along the lines of the flu. Period flu symptoms, like headache, fever, digestive distress, and fatigue, can feel a lot like the flu. Still, the name fits well for people with flu-like symptoms before their periods. Why Bad Period Symptoms Can Feel Like the Flu | Right as Rain In one online discussion of period flu, a person said that their symptoms turned out to be due to an allergy to acetaminophen (Tylenol), a common painkiller people often take to ease period symptoms. What Causes Gas Before My Period and What Can I Do About It? Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Your period marks the beginning of your follicular phase, which is when your body gets ready to release an egg from your ovary. Dont smoke, and limit how often you drink beverages with caffeine or alcohol, as these may trigger some of the symptoms. If you also have physical sickness leading up to your period, you might have what people refer to as period flu, a more severe set of PMS symptoms. All rights reserved. The use of any information provided on this web site is solely at your own risk. In your blood sample, they will look at hormones like estrogen, thyroid-stimulating hormone, and cortisol. First of all, if your symptoms are severe, talk toa professional, such as your gynecologist. And the symptoms will generally occur on a monthly basis. They are contagious and you will need to take steps to limit the spread. Efficacy of physiotherapy treatment in primary dysmenorrhea: A systematic review and meta-analysis. If you regularly have flu-like symptoms around the time of your period and its affecting your quality of life, check in with your OB/GYN, a doctor who specializes in womens health, or your primary care doctor. This starter pack is exactly what every woman needs to bring her hormones back into balance! Period flu symptoms After ovulation, which occurs when the ovary releases an egg, levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone begin to drop. Increased progesterone. While not technically a medical term and less well-understood than PMS, period flu is real to many women. Flu symptoms & complications. Gastrointestinal symptoms before and during menses in healthy women. Occasional fluctuations in your menstrual symptoms, flow, and overall duration usually arent cause for concern. Heat therapy for primary dysmenorrhea: A systematic review and meta-analysis of its effects on pain relief and quality of life. However, an overproduction of prostaglandins exacerbates the body's inflammatory response, explains Dr. Gersh, and that's not great when it comes to PMS. ICYDK, prostaglandins are hormone-like substances in the body that trigger your uterine muscles to contract so the uterus sheds its lining during your period. Severe pain and sickness before and during your period come in a couple of different flavors. Flu Like Symptoms Before Period - Medical Treasure Eurasian J Med. Already. A study published in 2016 found that prostaglandins can affect neurons in the hypothalamus, the part of your brain that regulates your body temperature. Speak to your doctor about possible lifestyle changes and preventive options such as hormonal birth control. These symptoms all point to the common flu illnesses you know. During your period, prostaglandins trigger muscles in your uterus to contract. Iran J Psychiatry Behav Sci. Luckily, "period flu" is a lot easier to treat than the real one. Treatment for diarrhea. Why Bad Period Symptoms Can Feel Like the Flu. For example, chaste tree extracts, 1,0001,200 milligrams of calcium, or 50100 milligrams of vitamin B6 daily may reduce symptoms. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. Symptoms of menstrual cramps include: Throbbing or cramping pain in your lower abdomen that can be intense. For some . With a few lifestyle changes to address inflammation and hormone balance, you can take charge of your health and feel like yourself again. You may even notice PMS symptoms as early as two weeks after the first day of your last period. For many individuals, this eases luteal phase symptoms, while also making their periods lighter and less painful. may occur because the immune system is reacting to higher levels of prostaglandinshormone-like substances present . Perimenopause can happen years before your period stops, and it can include hot flashes, mood swings, and heavier, lighter, or irregular periods. Period-flu symptoms tend to vary from person to person. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prostaglandins can cause abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Of course, if your period flu significantly impacts your day-to-day routine, and you must miss school or work consistently, it's a good idea to chat with your healthcare provider to develop a plan to help you feel better fast. We created Right as Rain to serve as a resource to connect you with health and wellness information you can trust from researchers, healthcareproviders and faculty from UW Medicine and the University of Washington. "Birth control works because it stabilizes your hormones, so you don't have that LH surge or drop in progesterone levels. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Experts believe that changes in the levels of certain chemicals in your body during or before your period have a link to premenstrual symptoms. Cleveland Clinic: Dysmenorrhea, Can Tracking Your Basal Body Temperature Help You Conceive?, Columbia University: I keep getting a fever with my period., NHS: Periods and fertility in the menstrual cycle., University Park OBGYN: Can You Get a Fever During Your Period?, UpToDate: Patient education: Painful menstrual periods (dysmenorrhea) (Beyond the Basics)., Chemistry Libretexts: Prostaglandins.. Learn how you can get a fluctuating, We reached out to a doctor and a bunch of people with uteruses to get the lowdown on what its like to have a period from puberty through menopause. Reed B.G, Carr B.R. While you might know that inflammation isn't great for your overall health, it's also critical to get it under control if you are experiencing period flu or PMS. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If you are not trying to conceive (TTC), taking a hormonal contraceptive (i.e. Period Flu: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments - Best Health Nothing stated or posted on this web site or available through any services offered by Dr. Jolene Brighten, ND and Brighten Wellness, LLC, are intended to be, and must not be taken to be, the practice of medicine. However, its still important to be aware of its symptoms and potential relevance to your own individual cycle. Generally, the period flu is nothing to worry about. Kiarra King, MD, FACOG, is a board-certified gynecologist from Oak Park, Illinois. When this happens, your body temperature goes up. It also causes the muscles to contract and can give you gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhea. Some people can develop symptoms such as pelvic cramping, nausea, fatigue and malaise around the time of their period, says Dr. Sarah Villarreal, an OB-GYN at the Womens Health Care Center at UW Medical Center Roosevelt. While the exact cause of period flu is still TBD (remember: there's not a lot of research on the topic), the most likely cause is the dramatic drop in hormone levels during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (aka the time between ovulation and your period), says Dr. Shirazian. Feeling queasy and fatigued as you wait for your period to turn up could set off alarm bells and have you running to the drugstore for a pregnancy test. Treatments for period flu are similar to those for PMS. . Or you may feel like you're about to get the flu. In fact, one study found that just 8 weeks of regular exercise could help to reduce symptoms of PMS. Ahead, everything you need to know about period flu, including causes, symptoms, and how to find relief from the monthly malaise. For example, vitex, or chasteberry, works to balance your hormones naturally. The heat helps with blood circulation and reduces fluid retention. There's no cure for the period flu. Prostaglandins are molecules that act as chemical messengers in the body much like hormones. Healthcare providers use synthetic forms of prostaglandins to treat several conditions. The patch, pill, and ring work similarly because they're systemic hormones, meaning they're absorbed into the body and don't go straight to your uterus, says Dr. Greves. Temperature (Austin). "My feeling from a medical standpoint is that this is all part of PMS syndrome, which can have both physical and emotional symptoms," Dr. Dweck says. Sleep and Premenstrual Syndrome. People can be irritable or depressed to the point of being suicidal, or may have panic attacks or fatigue. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". According to. According to Dr. Minkin, "prostaglandins can also make you feel like you have the flu and even give you a temperature." Your period could be responsible for causing your fever if you're having one of these symptoms: Headache Sore throat Vomiting or stomach pain What are the symptoms of period flu? These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. "Period flu symptoms can occur between ovulation and the beginning of your period," integrative medicine doctor Alejandra Carrasco, M.D., tells mbg. If you don't become pregnant (i.e. Tender breasts, nausea, fatigue, and back pain are just a few of the overlapping symptoms, she says. So lace up your sneakers and head out for a walk, do some yoga, or lift some heavy weights whatever works for you. This can cause fatigue, cramps, and mood swings. Your estrogen and progesterone levels are dropping at the same time, and there are a variety of theories about what exactly causes the worst period flu symptoms. Blomqvist A, Engblom D. Neural Mechanisms of Inflammation-Induced Fever. Period flu can be referred to the situation when prostaglandins or the fatty acid compounds responsible for dislodging the uterine wall and starting period, get into the bloodstream and begin affecting the intestine, causing flu . The best way to figure out whats happening here isagaintake a test. Experiencing mild flu-like symptoms in the run up to your period or even during your period is normal, and most of the time its not necessary to bring it up with your doctor. For example, acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can work wonders for managing pain and inflammation around the time of your period. This includes feelings of extreme fatigue, headache, muscle aches, nausea, and digestive issues. Diarrhea during your period is a sign that you have too many prostaglandins. your wind-down routine (hello screens and cell phones), and anything else that could be interfering. Prostaglandins are fatty acids in the body that help during an injury and illness by turning certain processes "on" or "off.". Heres why this symptom occurs and what you can do to find relief. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Some people may describe their period flu symptoms as in line with the "stomach flu," which is not a real diagnosis but an informal term for gastroenteritis. Last medically reviewed on July 29, 2019. But while those are helpful I would still encourage you to work with a qualified practitioner to understand why your hormones are imbalanced to begin with. And you may have increased water retention, which could lead to joint pain, Dr. Dweck says. Premenstrual Syndrome: Overview. Prostaglandin causes that annoying AF uterine cramping. Period Flu - Why Hormones Make You Feel Sick Before Your Period

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